Monday, June 27, 2011

time is running out

cakap pasal masa nie..
ayu slalu abis masa dgn tak buad apa2...

nak test, quiz, final exam..baru la nak menggelabah study...
ayu ayu..
bila la nak sedar...

mama selalu cakap study elok2..
supaya orang xpandang rendah... 

P/s waktu ayu tulis nie, ayu cam nk nangis cz i miss my mum so much :(

suke suki

hahhahhahahaha :D

                                           i love u....i miss u...
                                                                                only that i can describe about u <3 <3 <3

Saturday, June 25, 2011

im sorry

Saturday 25.6
afta module kul 12.30 pm
kiteorg decide nk kuar g mesra mall tgk cite rasukkk
kiterog balek umah dolu, rehat n tido..
but ayu  tak tido ppown.,  tak tau kenape tak boleh tido..
then kul 6.30 amik kete sewa drive to mesra mall. itu jerlh tmpat yg nk dituju

we had decide dinner kt mc'd
till 1am ayu ngantok sgt+penat
sorry guys, korg terpakse balek awl because of me
tibe2 tak ada mood malam tu
bkn sbb tension apa..
bcz ayu ngantok..

p/s senyum tak perlu kata apa2


this weekend ayu tak abis kn mase dengan melepak...
cos all student part 5 including me had to attend a module...
bile dapat tau ad modul. shitt la wth we need rest.....
kiteorang tak dapat cuti...sob sob sobsss..

tp thanks god..modul tu tak membosankan...
seronok. we have fun yawwlll..!!
tajuk modul : kenegaraan (hahahahahaha)
best gak la belaja history orang dolu2.....
tp lg kenape erk i slalu fail exam sejarah time sekolah dlu
spm dpt c5 ok la tu kn kn kn...:)


Wednesday, June 22, 2011


class pg woo

8am-10am fin344
12pm-2pm fin 320
2.30pm-4.20pm HR (human resources)
4.30pm-6pm fin344

semua orang penat, then kiteorg decide nk masak
menu hari ini:
ikan rebus
telur dada
sambal belacan
sambal sbnrnye yg sy nk sampai kn..
my friends a.ka nina nk g blind date..
fuhhh.smua org kcau die. i like i like...
i yg suh die pkai shawl nie tu la...hhahahhaa :D
mamat tu amik depan umah kot, naik kete viva
then so sweet..bukak kn pintu....jelesnye....<3
hahhaahhaaha :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

who am i

not romantic.
not too feminine.


very sensitive..

silent mode is dangerous hint..

once feel down and feel that they are not lovable..
very hard to bring it on and chill like natural..

fake of me sometimes control myself..
just because need to make someone feel happy..


congratulations if someone can understand me well. (:

complicated *myself*

i am very very sorry because i am just a girl
with my little life and maybe not everyone can understand the
way of my life.

yet, thanks a lot because all of you still want to spent time with me.
p/s : need to find a tough point for believing in my own self.