Friday, May 31, 2013


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

the end of story

i don't know how to express my feeling
sedih sangat apa yang ayu lalui .
people dont know what happen behind this story, only certain people know what happen..
orang cakap senang, cuba die lalui sendiri 
i dont care . 

my conversation
s : bawak berbincang
me : tak boleh dah, sebab dia ingat semua die yang btol.
i cant say anything
s : sabar
me: yes, that only i can do. :(

we have been almost 3 years

to his gf : take care of him, i will pray for both of you :) 

this song for you 

p/s : saya kecewa dengan awak. tolong jangan mainkan perasaan perempuan..
i'm moving on. No more waiting, no more hurt.
if you wanted me, you could've had me, but you didn't. You blew your chance
thank you 4 everything
Allah itu adil :)

hello guys

my last update was on april
its mei

i'm busy with my study, a lot assignment to be completed and this sem is tough for me
i have to face many problem even i actually not strong enough to face it

dan sem ni jugak, banyak cuti....
i have to catch up all syllabus because final exam is just around a corner babes. at the end of june..

#heart attack