Friday, December 13, 2013

Dear Hayyu Shaari,

Believe in yourself. Ignore those who try to discourage you avoid negative sources, people, places, things and habits. Don't give up and don't give in. Your life is not behind you, your memories are behind you. Your life is always right here, right now. seize it !! Choose to let each of your experiences today to be a gateway to an even brighter tomorrow


Saturday, November 30, 2013


today 30/11/2013
yesterday 29/11/2013
apa yang berlaku? adakah benda burok berlaku? NO !!

is my first time ever bawak lelaki jumpe my family
i bring him along together watching hunger games 
cuak kebebeh
selamat diorang okay
gelak besar lah kan
i dont know why i feel senang dengan this guy
nak tahu sape this guy
her name is esa yasmie
he is funny
bahan orang is hobi dia kihkihkih .. *jangan marah ae
itu sahaja yang boleh saya cerita 

- the end -

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

hye guys
dah dinner?
im asking that question because i wrote at night 8.45 pm
me dah dinner?
ya i had done my dinner
Mak kita masak..
nampak tak M tu huruf besar
so, faham2 je lah eh
kau makan apa?
asal selera kau tinggi?
macam ner nak kurus kalau kau asik makan je?
selagi boleh makan, kita makan

actually bukan nak cite pasal tu
macam mane nak start eh?
semua orang nak berubah kearah kebaikan, betul tak?
semua orang tak nak duduk di bawah je
tetapi kenape ada hamba Allah nie
pandang rendah sangat dengan saya
ya i know i had a lot of mistake before this
im trying to change myself to become a good women for my family, my future husband, child
and ofcourse Allah
hamba Allah says " asal kau dah berubah eh? ala dulu kau pun ada buat dosa, kau tak ingat Allah pulak?"
i just silent
doesn't mean i concede
i think 4what i am answer that question?
as long Allah knows what i feel and what im trying to do

p/s whatever people want to judge you, let it be.
as long you know what to do
peduli orang nak kata, kalau asik pikir orang je susah jugak
for me, saya akan layan semua orang baik
tp orang tu nak layan saya macam apa. its up to you 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

saja suka

assalamualaikum dah salam sejahtera
hello hello hello malaysia
saya disini ingin mengatakan, saya semakin berisi
stay kat dungun, makan non stop sbb apa? sbb asik lapar jee 
kalau kat umah, takde lah makan sebanyak nie . kat umah hanya makan sekali sahaja itupun petang
kat dungun makan pagi,lunch,petang and dinner
mane tak gemok kan...


 Alhamdulillah diberi kesihatan yang baik.


nak kurus woiii, atleast my weight is ideal with my height
nie lemak terkeluar2
chin pun dah ada dua.

bagaimana nak turun kan berat badan? 
kurang makan?
itu sudah pasti
kalau duk terbaring kat atas katil, tak exercise langsung, jalan sikit pun dah complain
macam ner nak kurus

start exercise !!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

5 weeks left for the final exam
mentally? not prepare 
physically? not prepare too
dah bile kau nak prepare ayu?
orang lain dah sampai ke puncak
kau still duk kat bawah, dengan attitude yg sama macam dulu
malas, malas, malas

change for your future and last sem for degree before pactical !!
yaAllah mempermudahkan segala urusunku

Monday, October 28, 2013

hye joyah, kepoh dan seangkatan dengannya
yang bace my blog, bace sahaja okay.
nak comment ke apa, lantak kau lahh... pegi Mampus !!
yang taknak bace tu, get lost !!

oiiii bahasa.. astghafirullahalazim ..
mengucap2 .. tak baik cakap kasar2..

no no no no no no !!
sopan sikit ayu bila berkata..

okay, back to normal
cerita ni time mid sem hari tuh jugak
time hari raya aidiladha.. ingat kan korang? tak ingat tu, buat2 lah ingat
aku, ica, ejam, nana, airish pegi ikea . buat apa pegi ikea time raya2 tu?
tak boleh ke duduk umah? haha
ejam aka my brother nak beli meja kate nye .. okb.. haha joke.
bilik tak kemas, dah nak beli meja. pastu time orang bagi idea taknak dgr tp tanye org nak beli meja macam mane.. well ejam kan.. sape tak kenall?. die ikut kepala die je.. as long die tak kacau hidup aku, tp die protect me .. itu i like. kihkihkih..
dah cari meja semua, kami pun pulang ke rumahhh

ini sebenarnye i nak cerita kat uolls .. kihkihkihkih
at midnight uncle and my sister ajak pegi main bowling..
aku? apa lagi.. orang pertama lah yg excited... hahhahhahha

first game - aku second
second game - cube teka sape lead? hahahah.. tp point tak banyak pun, saje je nak berlagak.. eh suke ati aku lahhh...
tadaaaaaaaaa ...:P
the end

Thursday, October 24, 2013

cerita di kedai kopi

hello and assalamualaikum guys
cerita di kedai kopi hahaha
actually cerita nie time mid sem hari tuh
nak bagitau one world yang iolls pegi sunway lagoon 2 times berturut2..

first- saturday- 12/10/2013 - bff and tett

nie muka2 yang setelah sekian lame tak pergi sunway lagoon kihkihkih

 kawan kite anak salleh

 nie kawan kite yang gedik - fara amat hahaha

nie ehem2 - my friends jugakk

muka pagi kene bangun kul 7.30 am and tunggu sunway lagoon tu bukak at 10 am baru boleh masuk
sorry guys iolls amik pic kalian.

berdiri pun jarak2 kan.. diorang kate aku nie sombong sikit time sekolah, bukan sombong but i don't know how to get involve with you'olls . belum kenal maka tak cinta and now dah kenal jadi bff uolls kihkihkih
they are my friends , share sad story, happy story together and lots of joy with them.

second day -13/10/2013 - family

sekian lah cerita di kedai kopi
 lindungi lah mereka dari perkara2 yang mereka tidak ingini. Amin

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


when September end , october menjelma 
btw now on the middle of october
which is my mid sem break

only 1 week break
it is not enough for me
kau ayu cuti banyak mane pun mang takkan cukop lah kan..!!
if eh tp tak ada kalau lah dungun tu ada shopping mall macam one utama confirm tak balik umah.. happy skit study kat sane.. 

ish , i been there almost 5 years . 
teach me how to become independent person
thank you
publish :)

Saturday, September 14, 2013


hello guys and assalamualaikum

student life has begin
so, dont play anymore.. blaja elok2..

okay, papai
P/s : i miss and love you crush 

Friday, September 6, 2013

new sem make me crazy
7 papers all 4 credit hours
how i am to study? can or not .. USAHA

insyaAllah nie last saya jadi student di dungun. i dont want go far away from my family anymore
hope everything will be fine.

chayok2 everyone

Friday, July 19, 2013

Sunday, July 14, 2013

my mum

my mum is very beautiful in the world
the best mum i have

start balik semalam my mum non stop buat keje
then i ask her 
me : mama nie dari pagi tak berhenti buat keje
mama : yewlh, habis tu sape nak buat semua nie?
me : silent 
sorry mum esok ayu akan tolong

mama, dia adalah ibu saya dan die juga adalah papa sy
without papa, dia lah yang membesarkan kami
i proud with you mum
sorry 4 everything *biasalah anak muda banyak ragam* hehe
and terima kasih yang tak terhingga 
one day, i will make you proud of me

p/s i cant describe my mum in words. iloveyou mama

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

tinggal lagi satu je payperrr..
budak finance part 4 sepatutnya habis hari nie, almaklum kene amik banking operation
so, payper this saturday than shoot back home.. hoorayy

it is not end of semester yet because result tak dapat lagi..
hope everything gonna be fine

second day of bulan ramadhan
i love you all

Monday, July 8, 2013

the end of semester

the war has begin but actually the war dah start lame dah, 2 payperr left
i'm counting days to go back home
i miss my home
i miss my mum and airish the most and my cats
dah sebulan lebih tak balik, kalau tak every 2 weeks je mesti balik cz nak meet seseorang kahkahkah *funny

sem 4 payperr is killing me , 4 credit hour yang sangat killer 
hope lecturer bagi markah cantik2 ye :)

2.30 am already tak perasan , kenape tak boleh tido ni?
it makes me think about someone... haishhh.. aigooo
help me!! help me !!
he always in my mind :)

but thank you for leaving me because teach me to love Allah first than you :)
good night 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

when i miss you
i read all our conversation

sepatutnya you tak perlu bace ayu, stop it !!

i just want you to know i miss the old you . fullstop !!

p/s : good luck !!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

busy week

assalamualaikum guys
now 1.40 am while waiting for my laundry tulis blog ni jap

it is a busy week
ayu ada test berderet start from 16/4 till today. 
and tomorrow thursday will be presentation day. 
whole week busy with those thing that make one day you become a success.

ini story lain pulak...........
i dont know why ada hamba Allah nie tell bad things about me and my family but bende tu tak betol pun.
if you taknak say no, please dont give shitt to others and me
or this bad guy just want to look me down?. 
sy tak down okay with that stupid thing
i am who i am.
i can do more if you want !! its simple right ? :)

please don't judge a book by its cover

Friday, June 14, 2013

actually i'am very shy to tell this.
i text him and said, i miss him 
he ignore, he hate, he forget about me
maybe he forget about me that i had enter to his life before
i know his happy with this way.

kenapa bila dah putoz hubungan ngan seseorg tu,mesti tak contact langsung.
bialah terus keep in touch as friends.

saya tak boleh lupakan awak :(

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

nak meroyan kejap

actually i miss him so much
its so hard to forget
i just want you to know i miss you so much :(


day by day stress sangat dengan assignment yang semakin berlambak
test berderet next week..

fikiran serabut dengan bende yang tak sepatut nye pikir..
adalah hamba Allah nie
mula2 okay, cite about his problem everything bla bla bla bla..
tibe2 msg cakap he buntu dont know to choose which one of his gf, he love both
then i said solat and give advise
he : takpelah i dah pilih sorg nie. i taknak tahu dah pasal you . u g lah cari lelaki yang boleh touch and go. salam bye.

what motif die cakap macam tu.. dala cari bila ada masalah je. pastu nak cakap touch and go..
die ingat i nie apa?, perempuan senang2 je.. hello, you such a bad boy, stupid. gerammm nye lahhhhhhhhhhh
serius kau dah sesat. buang semua no. die.
yaAllah kau berilah petunjuk kepada hamba mu ini.

i'm tired of everything :)

Monday, June 10, 2013

short story

hello and assalamualaikum guys
my semester will end soon
but many assignment to do
orang lain dah siap semua, skang i baru nak bz.

start semester relax sangat, now terima lahhh... heheheheh
see you soon
i'm happy with my life now
thank you Allah

Friday, May 31, 2013


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

the end of story

i don't know how to express my feeling
sedih sangat apa yang ayu lalui .
people dont know what happen behind this story, only certain people know what happen..
orang cakap senang, cuba die lalui sendiri 
i dont care . 

my conversation
s : bawak berbincang
me : tak boleh dah, sebab dia ingat semua die yang btol.
i cant say anything
s : sabar
me: yes, that only i can do. :(

we have been almost 3 years

to his gf : take care of him, i will pray for both of you :) 

this song for you 

p/s : saya kecewa dengan awak. tolong jangan mainkan perasaan perempuan..
i'm moving on. No more waiting, no more hurt.
if you wanted me, you could've had me, but you didn't. You blew your chance
thank you 4 everything
Allah itu adil :)

hello guys

my last update was on april
its mei

i'm busy with my study, a lot assignment to be completed and this sem is tough for me
i have to face many problem even i actually not strong enough to face it

dan sem ni jugak, banyak cuti....
i have to catch up all syllabus because final exam is just around a corner babes. at the end of june..

#heart attack

Friday, April 5, 2013


Kau ada dikala ku suka
Dikala ku duka
setiap tangisan dan juga ketawa
Kau ada dikala ku perlu
setia menemaniku
Pegang erat tanganku bila aku jatuh

Kau lah yang selalu
Selalu menemaniku
Mendengar kisah pahit manis
Hidup ku

Kau lah yang di situ
Setia menunggu ku
Kau lah yang satu
Menjadi kekasihku

hello guys
i tired of all this
why me?
Allah have plan something good for me is it?
ya i am very hurt but i do like nothing happen
i dont want think too much
thanks for know you
and now Allah show me everything because
Allah plan something for me.
ada hikmah disebaliknye.

yaAllah give me strength and tenangkan jiwa ragu ku.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

sad story

today, my second week kat dungun for semester 4.
when semester begin i have to face this problem? 
why? must me...
this happen because ada orang ketiga...

i not strong enough to face all this alone 
even i have friends and family beside me, i cant forget everything about you..
why ? my heart strongly say that i love him so much ... 
i tried to forget you, i tried to forget all memories about us, but i cant..
kenangan berlegar dalam fikiran 
what i do is dekat kan diri dengan Allah s.w.t and keep praying 
berdoa kebahagiaan die diluar sana... 
i dont admit i miss him so much.
sy penat menangis. maybe orang cakap i gila and bodoh...
whatever it is...  dont judge me, if you dont know anything..
please go away this feeling.. i hate this feeling .. 
  :(  :( 
if you read this.. 
jaga diri awak baik2, 
jaga kesihatan awak okay..
sy doakan kebahagian awak.
terima kasih untuk semua .. 

xoxo love you ..

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Hye everyone
i announce here im going back dungun one week late
hahahahha poyo je kan
and i have to skip class for 1 week
i wrote this bukan nak bangga but serba salah.. hoho ..
first class dah ponteng harap tak ada lecturer and tak blaja lagi

 thats all from me for today

now : leparking with him 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

don't judge a book by its cover

assalamualaikum dan selamat tengah hari

hari nie wa nak cakap pasal '' don't judge a book by its cover ''

uóll baru tengok dari luaran seseorang tu uólls dah cakap macam2
so bg wa lu tgk je jangan banyak bunyi pulak..
tak semestinye orang yang keje pakcik or abang guard tade degree tahu..
itu maknenya org tu buat keje part time. maybe die cuti ke apa2 jelahkan....
bg wa jangan pandang rendah dekat sesiapa pun, cuci toilet ke, sapu sampah ke
sebab kita tak tahu pada suatu hari nanti kita pun akan jadi macam tu *opps kita pulak
bagi hamba Allah hidup di dunia semua same nye.. artis ke tak .. wahhhhhhh 
tetapi setiap orang ada kelebihan dan kelemahan masing2

ini untuk diri wa jugak *notetomyself*

Tuesday, February 19, 2013



i hate this feeling
kenape mesti ada perasaan cemburu ini?
orang kata kalau cemburu tanda nye sayang .. iyewkee??
orang kata 
i have to let it go *cemburu feeling* hahahaha
but how? i can't . i try many things to let it go ..

cemburu boleh buat orang benci and marah. 
jeng jeng
so ignore it by watching movies

Sunday, February 17, 2013


assalamualaikum semua
cuti semester kali ini, i'm not going anywhere 
just stay at home for a month

my sister and  i had decided to baking a pavlova


4 putih telur
1 cawan gula castor
1 sudu corn flour
half tea spoon  esen vanila

whipping cream - non dairy whipping cream 
ia hanya ada di kedai cake ..

ha macam nie.. 
tp kitorang hari guna yang spray punya sebab kedai tutup chinese new yearkan?

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


i love you
i miss you


i miss my friends 

even we had crisis before, i will never forget everything about u all
thanks for everything
i love you'll

Sunday, January 20, 2013

happy new year guys
im turning 22 this year
i'm get older older n older

yesterday, last payperrr
hope my result with flying colors
malu kalau tak dapat 3.0 n above tp rasenye susah je nak dapat sebab tak ada usaha 
cakap je nak buat ni tu ni but nothing

sem break what should i do?
working part time or besar kan badan?
if keje, duit tu boleh shopping..
ada ke orang nak amik keje for 1 month -alasan-

nak seribu dalih, tak nak seribu alasan :)
peace yo