Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunway lagoon

Yeaaaahhh . Kami mang suke pegi sunway lagoon, sbb nak swimming je. Padahal tempat lain adekan . Kali nie bukan pegi ngan EY je, pegi ngan my sistah and brother and airish . Konon nye si airish tu nak swim lah kan.
Hmmm, swim sekejap je pastuh menangis.
Picture below ke above saye tak tahu cz update guna phone je .
Ha apahal gambar tuh? Si EY tuh, datang sini nak tidoo, bukan nak main, umah die kat sunway lagoon nie. Hahaha. Btw asalkan di depan mata kannnn .. huhu . Tunggu die tido mang lame lah kan . Dah sayang, malas lah nak kacaukan. Hewhew
Banyak *kan* haha. Lantak lah situ

*jangan marah eh by*


Thursday, March 27, 2014

ohh thesis
who are you?
please go away from my life
I don't want think about you
i don't have time to do you
i am tired after work, then weekend what you do?
weekend is my rest day, my social life ( not too social ya) i know my limit
Everyday i keep thinking about you and i has intention to do it
but i am very lazy and tired. throw away your laziness ayu!! until when kemalasan awak tuh?
don't complain ayu!
the due date is just around the corner babes but i don't have started any yet
i don't understand what is data streem? how to find the data?
but then you don't show any effort on it kan ayu
so, keep quiet and selamat beramal

Saturday, March 22, 2014


Terase rindu sekali bila die mau pegi "vacation" for one week . Lain macam pulak rase even selalu jumpe die pun weekend je. Maybe for one week no wassap, no wechat, no morning and night wish. Hmm, phone saye akan senyap for one week:'(. Takpe blaja if one day die tinggalkan saye. Hewhew. Hope not .apa2 pun take care of yourself disane ye, jangan nakal2 . Im gonna miss you by.


P/s this is myblog suke hati gua nk update apakn? Lu tak suke blah!!!